Friday, March 4, 2016

Sailor Princess

<3 The cutest image I have EVER seen.<3 

This image I found in Google Images and I thought to myself "wow, this is a cute image of Disney Princess in anime Sailor Moon version I have ever seen. It is sooooooo.... KAWAIII!!!=)<3   I Use this image of Ariel for my ipad background & it makes me smile when I see it. My favorite Disney Princess I really enjoy & inspired is Ariel and Mulan because both of this princesses is one of my favorite growing up and they really related to my personality. LOL!!=)     
Question(s) of the Day?
  1. What is your favorite Disney Princess growing up & why? Give your support points/ideas and tell your story. Don't be afraid to ask, just be yourself & let God bless you for your courage. =)   

1 comment:

  1. My favorite Disney Princess character is Ariel because she used to inspire me when I was little and showed me how to just be myself and never feel shy but be very glad and happy on the inside and just be my true passionate self. By: Laura Omorose
